Beautiful 1 bedroom corner unit with amazing views in the ”Accolade at Bay St. Landing.” A private 13 acre property at the foot of the ferry. Closets galore. Near shopping, restaurants, etc. Gated property, doorman, parking, tennis, gym, many amenities.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $2,600 |
Address: | 90 Bay Street Landing 1a |
City: | Staten Island |
County: | Richmond |
State: | New York |
Zip Code: | 10301 |
MLS: | 1148541 |
Square Feet: | 1,026 |
Acres: | 0.02 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.02 acres |
Bedrooms: | 1 |
Bathrooms: | 1 |
taxLot: | 1201 |
taxBlock: | 001 |
mlsStatus: | Leased |
ownerPays: | Snow Removal, Sewer, Gas |
cityRegion: | North Shore |
tenantPays: | Electricity, Cable TV |
lotSizeArea: | 1026 |
lotSizeUnits: | Square Feet |
mlsAreaMajor: | St. George |
mlsAreaMinor: | St. George |
ownerPaysGas3: | 1 |
ownerPaysSewer2: | 1 |
listingAgentName: | Paul Dapolito |
tenantPaysCable5: | 1 |
listingOfficeName: | United National Realty |
lotSizeSquareFeet: | 1026 |
architecturalStyle: | High Rise |
documentsAvailable: | Property Owner Information |
tenantPaysElectric4: | 1 |
listingAgentLastName: | Dapolito |
bathroomsTotalDecimal: | 1 |
listingAgentFirstName: | Paul |
ownerPaysSnowRemoval2: | 1 |
generalPropertyInfoStyle2: | High Rise |
generalPropertyInfoSmoking: | No |
generalPropertyInfoAptLocation: | Level 1 |
generalPropertyInfoLotSizeSqft: | 1026 |
generalPropertyInfoTotalRooms2: | 2 |
generalPropertyInfoPublicRemarks3: | Beautiful 1 bedroom corner unit with amazing views in the ''Accolade at Bay St. Landing.'' A private 13 acre property at the foot of the ferry. Closets galore. Near shopping, restaurants, etc. Gated property, doorman, parking, tennis, gym, many amenities. |
contractlocationInformationLeasePricesqft: | 2.53 |
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