Heart of Midwood! Beautiful, fully renovated apartment, located on the busy Ave M, next to the famous stores and restaurants!
The apartment is filled with a sun light! Q-line Subway station just 2 blocks away. Good for investment! Tenants paying $1,550 monthly! Lease for 1 year.
Price: | $250,000 |
Address: | 1215 Avenue M 5F |
City: | Brooklyn |
County: | Kings (Brooklyn) |
State: | New York |
Zip Code: | 11230 |
MLS: | 443957 |
Year Built: | 1965 |
Square Feet: | 750 |
Bedrooms: | 1 |
Bathrooms: | 1 |
acUnits: | 2 |
additionalFeeIncludes: | Parking |
bankFinanceYnu: | yes |
bathsTotalLevel1: | 1 |
bedsTotalLevel1: | 1 |
boardApprovalYnu: | yes |
borough: | Brooklyn |
buildingAmenities: | Door – Intercom, Laundry – Card Operated, Secure Lobby |
cdom: | 125 |
coOpShares: | 545 |
confirmedByMlsyn: | 1 |
crossStreetName: | East 13th St |
dom: | 125 |
downPaymentRequired: | 20 |
feeIncludesAssessmentYN: | no |
financing: | Bank Mortgage, Cash |
flipTaxFeeType: | $ |
floorNumber: | 5 |
flooring: | Hardwood |
handicapAccessYnu: | Yes |
heatDelivery: | Steam/Radiator |
heatingFuel: | Oil |
lastChangeType: | Price Decrease |
listAgentMlsid: | lz2578 |
listOfficeMlsid: | 117150 |
listingAgentEmail: | |
listingAgentName: | Lyudmyla Zhachek |
listingAgentPhone: | (718) 979-8000 |
listingOfficeName: | United National Realty |
listingOfficePhone: | (718) 979-8000 |
maintenanceCommonFee: | 654 |
managementCompany: | Responsive Management |
managerPhone: | 718-576-1345 |
mls: | Brooklyn New York MLS |
mlsAreaMajor: | Midwood |
negotiateThru: | Broker |
openHouseCount: | 2 |
ownerOccupied: | No |
ownerOccupiedUnitsSold: | 45 |
ownerOccupiedUnitsSoldType: | % |
parkingAttributes: | Garage |
petsAllowed: | Weight Limit-Small ( |
petsYN: | yes |
projectName: | Midwood House |
residentialFeatures: | A/C Unit - Wall, A/C Unit - Window, Elevator, Garage Door Opener(s), Laundry Area, Refrigerator, Stove, Window Treatments |
roomCount: | 4 |
roomsTotalLevel1: | 3 |
saleType: | Arm's Length |
stockCertificateYN: | yes |
subLeaseYN: | yes |
totalRooms: | 3 |
totalUnits: | 62 |
transactionType: | Sale |
type2: | Apartment |
utilities: | Gas, Heat, Septic, Water |
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